This will be my last post on Cat Osterman. I'd like to focus on what I learned by doing this blog, and some things that I found challenging and successful.
There are two important things that i learned during this blog about Her. Never give up. This may seem really cheesy, but it's an important aspect in life. "Never giving up" can help you through any situation not just softball. Cat Osterman didn't give up on what she wanted to do in life. She kept working through the problems. And eventually she got to where she was in life. She is a great example to all of us on how try try again. I really like this aspect of Herbecause of the we can all learn from her and the examples she set in her life. In my post Softball vs. Baseball, I was really surprised because I didn't really know that there was such a huge difference between the two sports. But the speed and ball size..there is a lot more differences than what I thought there was.
When doing this blog, there were some things that was more difficult than other things. When working on my post on Osterman's accomplishments, I found it frustrating because I wanted more info on things but it was very difficult to find. But I did enjoy that post because I found out that one person could do so much, in such little time. Another thing that was hard was finding the right things to help inform others about. There were a lot of blog on Cat Osterman but not so much credible sites that I could use information on.
The most rewarding thing about doing this project was overall learning about Her. I enjoyed learning about Cat, and hope you did to, it was amazing learning about a young lady who has made it in life. and helps others to succeed in her clinic that she runs.I also think that if I were to pursue my dream of playing softball than there are many opportunities out there. Really great scholarships for those who are players as well. Just because you don't succeed the first doesn't mean you should quite all together.
This is really cool to look back and remind myself and others on what this blog was for and now people could have learned from her.